



Many artists do fascinating, important and innovative work that feeds spirit and mind. I do interviews— video, on-line and print– of artists I work with, who I meet while traveling, who are friends and co-exhibitors, who I admire and want to help out with promotion and branding. I also do interviews and reviews, as work-for-hire, for individuals, galleries and museums.

Talking to Charlene Liska about Silence

Boston artist Charlene Liska's video and photography are on exhibit at Silent. Silence. Silenced during the month of November; the sound of her voice casts strong shadows that challenge our questions about the future and what we might choose to make or take from the video screen.


Art is supposed to get people to think about what’s going on, around them. How are people going to become aware if their country's artist self-censor?

Nothing Yellow about Walter Kopec’s …AND THINGS THAT REMAIN

Boston Conceptual artist Walter Kopec showcases political work at Atlantic Works Gallery.

Painter Gus Moran talks about art at his exhibit in Otranto Italy. ( 2015)

WOW Cross-Dressing Installation in Boston

Meret Oppenheim is supposed to have described her famous Objet (Le Déjeuner en Fourrure-1936 ), the fur-covered cup, saucer and spoon, as “the image of femininity imprinted in the minds of men and projected on to women.” Samantha Marder’s BENT ... Continue Reading →

She Makes Spinning Mandalas: Marjorie Kaye, Artist

Marjorie Kaye’s sculptures reach out and in and up and beyond. The transcendent stacks of energy are constructed from pieces of plywood, which are cut into shapes with a jig saw, smoothed and then tinted with bold gouache color–or house... Continue Reading →

Dual Engine Art in Boston Gallery

What artist would turn down a second mind, a pair of extra hands, or a person who could stand by their side realizing and making manifest what they themselves were thinking? The Safarani sisters, identical twins Farzaneh and Bahareh, have... Continue Reading →

Rachel Shatil Installation at Galatea Gallery in Boston

Rachel Shatil grew up on a kibbutz in Israel. Both of her parents were holocaust survivors. “Life lessons were all about staying alive–not about ambition, career, art, finding love,” she said. “Love was careful, very guarded, because anyone you loved... Continue Reading →


Featuring Cuban Artist Dania Fleites, and her lithographs, at work in her Old Havana studio.

Interviewing Dario Fo: 1997 Nobel Prize Winner for Literature

Christine Palamidessi Moore posts blog about interviewing with Dario Fo in the 80s...before he decided to run for mayor of Milan.


Christine Palamidessi Moore's interviews with leftist filmmaker Emile De Antonio.

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